Patient complains of red left eye and edematous eyelids

Assignment Task:

Chief complaint - A 11-year-old female patient complains of red left eye and edematous eyelids. Her mother states the child complains of "sand in my left eye."

Subjective-Patient noticed redness three days ago. Denies having any allergies. Symptoms have gotten worse since she noticed having the problem.

Objective Data:

Vital signs-(T) 98.2°F; (RR) 18; (HR) 78; BP 128/82; SpO2 96% room air; weight 110 lb.

General- well-developed, healthy, 11 years old

HEENT-EYES: very red sclera with dried, crusty exudates; unable to open eyes in the morning with the left being worse than the right


1. What other subjective data would you obtain?

2. What other objective findings would you look for?

3. What diagnostic exams do you want to order?

4. Name 3 differential diagnoses based on this patient presenting symptoms?

5. Give rationales for your each differential diagnosis.

 Post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

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Other Subject: Patient complains of red left eye and edematous eyelids
Reference No:- TGS03436131

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