Patient-centered care

Locate the full-text article on person-centered care by Koren in ProQuest, through the Ashford University Online Library. Read the article and in a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference page) using APA format, discuss the following:

1. Summarize the three key points made by the author about patient-centered care. Why is this form of care important? How does it affect outcomes? How can we overcome obstacles to the adoption of these culture-change practices?

2. Discuss a minimum of three barriers/challenges to implementing person-centered care in nursing homes.

3. In addition to person-centered care practices mentioned in the article, identify two other examples of person-centered care practices. For example, allowing patients to choose their own meal times based upon personal preference.

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Biology: Patient-centered care
Reference No:- TGS0522731

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