
Pathwasy of the sympathetic nervous system

Describe the pathwasy of the sympathetic nervous system and why it inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system.

Paper instructions:

It is expected that you spend some time researching the answers in your textbook, through the UOIT library and via the Internet. You are also expected to acknowledge your references as in-text citations as well as with a bibiolography.
Please select 3  questions below to answer. Each answer is worth 3 pts and should have between 70-150 words.

1. Describe the pathwasy of the sympathetic nervous system and why it inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system. Why would it be important for the kidneys to reduce urine output?

2. After intense physical activity, it is not uncommon for there to be a buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. Describe the symptoms of this buildup and explain the process in which it is generated and eliminated.

3. What molecule is necessary in the generation of ATP and why is oxygen important in this process? What would happen if oxygen was not available during this process?

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Biology: Pathwasy of the sympathetic nervous system
Reference No:- TGS01612940

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