Problem: Provide an overview of the pathophysiology related to the patient's current problem; risk factors and the typical outcomes associated with the conditions should be discussed. Please do not go into specific detail such as metabolic pathways unless pertinent to MNT History: A 55-year-old female was involved in a high-speed MVA and was admitted to the trauma ICU for ventilator support. Injuries include multiple rib fractures, lung and liver contusions and a hemothorax that has been drained. She also fractured her left humerus, left femur and collapsed pelvis. A MIV is running at 120 mL/hr with 20 mEq KCl through a central line. A NG tube is in place to low continuous suction with ~800 mLs of output. Today is admit day#2. Medical history: type 2 DM, CAD, HTN, Stage 3 CKD and angina Medications at home: lisinopril, metformin, atorvastatin and nitroglycerin prn Medications: propofol (15 mg/hr), fentanyl, s.s. insulin and levaquin Supplements: N/A Tobacco use: none Family history: N/A Demographics: Lives with 18 y.o son; divorced Language: English and French Occupation: Administrative assistant at a local college Ethnicity: French Food allergies: N/A Alcohol use: 2-3 drinks per week; mostly on the weekend Vital signs: Temp: 99 Pulse: 83 RR: 20. Looking for Assignment Help?