
Pathology and operative gynaecology

Question 1: Explain the phases of follicular development throughout normal menstrual cycle. Illustrate in detail its clinical application in the management of infertility.

Question 2: Explain the causes of postmenopausal genital bleeding. Describe aetiopathology, diagnosis and the management of endometrial carcinoma.

Question 3: Describe differential diagnosis in a woman with acute pain in the abdomen. How will you cope up with the ectopic pregnancy?

Question 4: Write brief notes on:

a) Routes of hysterectomy.
b) Abdominal operations for genital prolapsed.

Question 5: Explain physiological modifications in carbohydrate metabolism in pregnancy. Explain the risks on pregnancy with diabetes. Also write the management of gestational diabetes.

Question 6: What are the causes of per vaginal bleeding in third trimester of pregnancy? Illustrate the management of a case of abruptio placentae.

Question 7: Describe clinical features, diagnosis and the management of genital tuberculosis.

Question 8: Write brief notes on:

a) Turner syndrome.
b) Broad ligament haematoma.

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Biology: Pathology and operative gynaecology
Reference No:- TGS05528

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