Question 1: Discuss the procedures for filling a patent in India?
Question 2: Describe the inventions that might be patented and the ones that might not be patented with reasons?
Question 3: Mention the different revocation grounds that can be pleaded as defense by the defendant.
Question 4: Who are persons entitled to file an application to obtain a patent?
Question 5: What are the various methods of Technology Transfer?
Question 6: Write a note on the PCT – National Phase Application.
Question 7: What are the differences between a provisional and complete specification?
Question 8: Mention the various methods that are used in patent or technology valuation.
Question 9: What are the various types of infringement? Describe and write exceptions of infringement.
Question 10: Describe the post-grant opposition.
Question 11: What purpose does the International Patent Classification serve?
Question 12: What are the main objectives of IPAB and also describe its features.
Question 13: What is PCT and illustrate the procedure of PCT filing.
Question 14: What do you mean by the term Benefit Sharing? Describe the provisions for Benefit Sharing by NBA in Biodiversity Act of India.
Question 15: What are the provisions under TRIPS and what can be patented?