Passive solar space heating system

Question 1:

Illustrate out the types of solar power plant. What are the restrictions of the solar power plant?

Question 2:

Categorize the techniques of solar energy storage. Illustrate thermal energy storage system.

Question 3:

Illustrate out a passive solar space heating system.

Question 4:

Illustrate out the modifications required for a CI engine to work on dual fuel mode (Biogas + Diesel) and illustrate its performance and emission characteristics with proper graphs.

Question 5:

Write down a brief notes on:

a) Metal hydrides

b) Safety precautions in hydrogen utilization

c) Hydrogen transportation.

Question 6:

Illustrate thermo – chemical technique for hydrogen production.

Question 7:

What do you understand by the term Westinghouse electro – chemical thermal sulphur cycle? Illustrate out it.

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Mechanical Engineering: Passive solar space heating system
Reference No:- TGS011013

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