
Pascal allows the use of enumerated types as index typesin

Pascal allows the use of enumerated types as index types. For example, if we define the enumerated type GreatLakes to have the values Erie, Ontario, Huron, Michigan, and Superior (ordered here by increasing volume of water), then we can define:

type GreatLakes = (Erie, Ontario, Huron, Michigan, Superior);

area: array [ GreatLakes ] of integer,

elevation: array [ GreatLakes ] of real;

(and give them values)

area := ( 9910, 7340, 23000, 22300, 31700 );

elevation := ( 570.38, 244.77, 578.68, 578.68, 600.38 );

Now we can access individual elements to find, for example, that

area[Erie] = 9910

area[Superior] = 31700

elevation[Huron] = elevation[Michigan] = 576.68

In the above definitions we stored the areas and elevations of the Great Lakes in vectors (1- dimensional arrays).

Restate these definitions in order to store the same information in a structure that is:

(a) A vector of records

For defining records, use the syntax:

Person: record

age: integer;

sex: (Male, Female);

height, weight: real;

married: Boolean;


(b) A record of vectors

(c) A 2-dimensional array indexed by type GreatLakes and by another enumerated type.

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Computer Engineering: Pascal allows the use of enumerated types as index typesin
Reference No:- TGS02885035

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