Q1. Name the three parts of a typical queuing system.
Q2. When designing a waiting line system, what “qualitative” concerns need to be considered?
Q3. Name the three factors that govern the structure of “arrivals” in a queuing system.
Q4. State the seven common measures of queuing system performance.
Q5. State the assumptions of the “basic” single-server queuing model (Model A, or M/M/1).
Q1. Is it good or bad to operate a supermarket bakery system on a strict first-come, first-served basis? Why?
Q2. Describe what is meant by the waiting-line terms balk and renege. Provide an example of each.
Q3. Which is larger, W s or W q? Explain.
Q4. Briefly describe three situations in which the first-in, first-out (FIFO) discipline rule is not applicable in queuing analysis.
Q5. Describe the behavior of a waiting line where λ. μ. Use both analysis and intuition.
Provide complete and step by step solution for the question and show calculations and use formulas.