
Particular characteristics and behaviors of salespeople

Please review and answer the following questions thoroughly with sources

Please respond the questions below. It is important that your responses are concise, thorough, and well-supported.

Particular characteristics and behaviors of salespeople enable them to deal more effectively with some kinds of customers than with others. Some research actually demonstrates that salespeople tend to perform better when they interact with customers who are similar to themselves.

1. Which sales behaviors, skills, and characteristics are ideal and thought to affect a salesperson's ability to perform? Please provide support for your response(s).

Recruitment and selection of new sales people is a critical skill for sales managers to develop. The pool of recruits from which a company selects its candidates can be generated from a number of sources.

2. Based on the following recruiting sources, as a sales manager, which would you access and why?

  • Internal company referrals
  • Referrals from other firms
  • Educational institutions
  • Online job search engines
  • Recruiting agencies

Are sales "just a numbers game?" Some sales managers believe that all you have to do is make the right number of calls...to the right people, and the odds will work in your favor.

3. With respect to evaluating sales person performance, how does "reach" and "frequency" equate to sales person performance? Please provide support for your response(s).

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Business Management: Particular characteristics and behaviors of salespeople
Reference No:- TGS02685449

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