
Participation in campaigns for civil rights


Use the assigned autobiography as your primary source of information. You may also supplement the paper with material from your textbook and lectures from class. You may not use any other external sources of information, such as websites or other books or articles, for this paper. This is not a research paper, so no additional research (apart from the sources I recommended) will be necessary.

In Coming of Age in Mississippi, Anne Moody tells the story of her life growing up in Mississippi during the 1950s and 1960s, as the South was experiences the tumultuous and dynamic changes that would birth the civil rights movement.  Which experiences in Moody’s childhood and adolescence gave her the confidence and the determination to become an activist with the civil rights movement? Explain the development of her political awareness of race relations in the South. Describe Moody’s role in civil rights movement. How did her personal experiences with civil rights reflect the broader currents of the movement itself? Describe the challenges and opportunities she experienced in her participation in campaigns for civil rights. By the end of the book, Moody seems somewhat skeptical about the ability of the movement to create true change in America. Do you agree with Anne Moody’s assessment of the civil rights movement? Why or why not?

Your answer must be in 4 pages, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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History: Participation in campaigns for civil rights
Reference No:- TGS01946145

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