1. Parthenogenetic variaties:
(a)only have females (b)can be found in fish and lizards (c)areshort-lived in evolutionary time (d)all of the above (e)none of theabove (f)b and c only
2.Transition Matrix Models:
(a)invented by Leslie (b)invented by Coby (c)invented by Cole
(d)invented by Stearns (e)invented by Mertz (f)none of theabove
3. The Principle of Allocation:
(a)proposed by Stearns (b)proposed by Tinkle (c)proposed byCody
(d)proposed by Cole (e)proposed by Leslie (f)none of the above
4. Human population growth:
(a)is best modeled are logistic growth (b)could be episodic growth(c)has been effected by plagues (d)is clearly density dependent(e)a and d only (f)b and c only
5. Life-History strategies:
(a)sometimes correlate with latitude (b)could evolve via pleiotropy(c)sometimes correlate with body size (d)have been studied by Tracy(e)none of the above (f)all of the above