
Part i: research paper

Part I: Research Paper
Research Paper (3 Parts)

The purpose of this assignment is to write a research paper examining a contemporary issue related to health and aging. This assignment is stages in a seven-step process. Specific steps of the assignment will be due each week throughout the course. The steps of the assignment are: select a topic, create a reference list, write an annotated bibliography, develop a thesis statement and paper outline, write a first draft, receive feedback and make revisions, and submit a final draft.


Use a word processor (preferably MS Word) to create your paper. The final paper should be 6 -8 pages in length, double-spaced with 12 point font, not including tables or the reference list.

The final paper should include a title page, an introduction, a thesis statement, a body, a conclusion and a reference list.


Your paper should use correct grammar, effective topic sentences and transitions, an organized and clear flow, limited use of quotations, and synthesis of information using your own words. It should incorporate references.

Citation and Reference Style

Your paper should be written in APA style (6th edition, 2009). For more details on APA formatting and online database citations, see www.umuc.edu/library/guides/apa.html


PART I of research paper: DUE END OF WEEK 3

The research paper assignment is broken down into seven steps to make it user-friendly for the student.

Step 1: Select ONE of the following topics for your paper:

TOPIC 1: The relationship between physical functioning and cognition in older adults.
TOPIC 2:The protective effect of social support on health in older adults.

Step 2: Locate 10 recent articles, book chapters, and/or Web sites on the topic, and create a reference list using APA format. (FOR APA FORMAT: www.umuc.edu/library/guides/apa.html)

Sources must have been published in the last 20 years.
Examples of appropriate sources are scholarly professional journals, as explained at https://www.umuc.edu/library/guides/identify.shtml .
Library databases recommended for this assignment include CINHAHL (Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and AgeLine.
No more than two websites may be used, and they must be evaluated for trustworthiness at https://www.umuc.edu/library/guides/web.shtml#Evaluate .
Feel free to ask a librarian at UMUC for research help at https://www.umuc.edu/library/help/ask.shtml
Step 3: Write an annotated bibliography. Each citation in your reference list should be followed by a brief (usually about 150 word) descriptive and evaluative paragraph explaining how this source will help to develop your paper. For more information on creating an annotated bibliography, visit: https://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/research/skill28.htm .

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