part a the following section 8-1 as listed below


The following section 8-1 as listed below is described as the cornerstone if the Income Tax Assessment Act (1997).

"S8-1(1) you can deduct from your assessable income any loss or outgoing to

The extent that:

(a) it is incurred in gaining or producing your assessable income; or

(b) it is necessarily incurred in carrying on a business for the purpose of gaining or producing your assessable income.

 S8-1(2) However, you cannot deduct a loss or outgoing under this section to the extent that:

(a) it is a loss or outgoing of capital or of a capital nature; or

(b) it is a loss or outgoing of a private or domestic nature; or

(c) it is incurred in relation to gaining or producing your exempt income; or

(d) a provision of this Act prevents you from deducting it.

S8-1(3) A loss or outgoing that you can deduct under this section is called a general deduction."


EXPLAIN and VALIDATESection 8-1 of ITAA97 by reference to Case Law, Taxation Office Rulingsand other sections of the ITAA97 and ITAA36. You are required to address under separate headings the underlined words in the course of your explanation.



Carole Mc Donald sold the following assets during the year ended 30th June 2014.

Details                    Date Purchased          Cost                 Date Sold                  Consideration

                                                                     $                                                              $

NBA Ltd                       1 May 2014          35,000          1 June 2014                      20,000

XYZLtd shares*           1 Sept 1965          65,000          30 May 2014                  160,000
XRO Ltd                       1 May 1998          15,000          1 March 2014                  35,000
CBD Ltd                       1 Jun 2014           $25000          28 June 2014                  $50,000

FBU Ltd                       15 Nov 1998         30,000          1 July 2013                       33,000

Diamond Ring             18 July 1993            501            1 Feb 2014                            200

Houseboat                  21 Sep 1985         20,000          1 March 2014                  25,000

Private Residence**   16 June 1986      300,000          12 March 2014              600,000

Gold Charms               31 March 1986         300***    13 March 2014                  2,500

Caravan                      1 January 2010     12,000          15 June 2014                      5,000
Motor Cycle                1 July 2012             5,500          15 June 2014                      6,300
Sports Car                   1 July 2011             6,500          30 June 2014                    22,000

*These shares were purchased by the taxpayer's father on 1st September 1965. They were bequeathed to the taxpayer on 1 January 2009 (date of death of James' father).  The market value of the shares at date of the father's death was $150,000.

**The private residence was rented for the period from 1 February1988 to 1 July 2008 while he lived overseas.

***Purchased as a set which cost $600


CALCULATEthe minimum amount of net capital gainwhich is to be included in his assessable income for the year ended 30 June 2014. You must indicate how every item mentioned above is treated for tax purposes. You must refer to the relevant sections of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

PART C                         

John Smith is a resident of Australia and a full-time employee for Paladin Ltd.   He provides you with the following information for the year ended 30 June 2014.



Net salary received (PAYGW $18,000)                                                   80,000
Fringe benefits - low interest loan                                                        15,000
Fully franked dividend paid by Exmouth Ltd - reinvested                       7,000
Share of income - The  Estate of Harry Smith                                         2,500
Loss on sale of shares                                                                               3,600
Gross Profit on sale of Jet ski - purchased 01/01/2001                           5,000


Motor Vehicle expenses 

Superannuation contribution for John Smith   - made by Paladin Ltd    6,000
Superannuation contribution - made by John Smith                          3,000
Donation - Royal Children's Hospital                                               150
Net rental loss on investment property- No 1                                  3,500
Loss on capital investment- investment property - No 2                    35,000

Education Expenses
Membership fees - Master Chefs Association                                   250

Note 1


John uses his car for work purposes for 9 months of the financial year. He maintained a log book for the whole of the financial year. His private kilometres were 20,000 and his total kilometres were 40,000 for the year. The Motor Vehicle (4200ccs) cost $125,000 on 1/03/2014.  It has an effective life of 8 years. Expenses for the year ended 30 June 2014 are as follows:


Fuel                                                                                                           3,104
Cost of repairs -accident                                                                         9,500
Insurance                                                                                                     855
Repairs                                                                                                         427
Parking fees                                                                                                   22
Registration and 3rd Party                                                                          438
Road Tolls                                                                                                      54
Car washes                                                                                                    45
New Motor -purchased 1 March 2014 - not separate asset                10,500

Note 2

John is employed as an IT manager and is a member of the IT Association of Australia, a professional accrediting body providing among other services continuing professional education (CPE) to members.

Members must complete a minimum 20 hours per year of CPE. John attended a four day conference in Hawaii in October 2013 of the International IT Association. John arranged a package that included:

Conference fees                                                                                          800
Air fares                                                                                                    1,600
Accommodation and meals - 8 days                                                       1,100

John spent an extra 4 days holidaying.


CALCULATE the TAXABLE INCOME and TAX PAYABLE of John for the year ended 30 June 2014.

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Taxation: part a the following section 8-1 as listed below
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