
Part a is produced on machine 1 and then machine 2 one unit

Part A is produced on machine 1 and then machine 2. One unit of part A is assembled with threeunits of part B, which is produced on machine 3, in asembly station 4.Machine 1 has a scrap factor of 20%, and machine 2 has a scrap factor of 10%. The assmbly process has a scrap factor 15%. Another part, Part C, is produced on machine 5 and has a scrap estimate of 25%. Part C and the subassembly comprison of part A and part B are assembled at assembly station 6 into completed product. Each day, 15,000 units of the completed are required to meet demand. Assuming that machine 3 and assembly station 6 have a scrap factors of 30% each, what are the requirements for part A, B and C in order to meet tthe daily demand for the completed product?

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Other Subject: Part a is produced on machine 1 and then machine 2 one unit
Reference No:- TGS0589506

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