
part 1you are to write a 6 - 7page paper in the

Part 1

You are to write a 6 - 7page paper in the APA format about a topic related to this course: Turn in the final copy of your research paper. The paper should be 6 to 7 pages in length. Also to be included are: a title page and a bibliography. The paper is to be in the APA format and edited by the student for grammar, spelling, etc. Additional requirements: The paper is to be typed, double-spaced, 12 font, using Times New Roman type. NOTE: One of the criteria that you will be graded on is the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills. Reference needed.

Part 2

Note: Dear tutor You need to create table and whatever column and row needed for those question. Please submit screen shot with .SQL script extension format.

Use employees table from HR schema to answer the following questions;

1. Produce a report showing an organization chart for Mourgos's department. Print last names, salaries, and department IDs

2. Create a report that shows the hierarchy of the managers for the employee Lorentz. Display his immediate manager first

3. Create an indented report showing the management hierarchy starting from the employee whose LAST_NAME is Kochhar. Print the employee's last name, manager ID, and department ID

4. Produce a company organization chart that shows the management hierarchy. Start with the person at the top level, exclude all people with a job ID of IT_PROG, and exclude De Haan and those employees who report to De Haan.

a. Write PL/SQL code to demonstrate competence of the basic concepts in the Oracle architecture and its implementation with SQL.

b. Load the Oracle Server.

c. Create relational databases and demonstrate this by creating Tablespaces, Tables and other objects.

d. Perform basic administration of the Oracle Server.

e. Code Basic SQL statements and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

d. Code SQL statements that restrict and sort data and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

e. Write SQL code to employ Oracle functions and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

f. Write SQL code to employ Join Statements that display data from Multiple Tables and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

g. Write SQL code to use of Sub-queries and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

h. Write SQL code to produce Reports and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

i. Create and manage Tables, Tablespaces, and Database objects and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

j. Create Constraints, Sequences, Indexes, Views and Synonyms and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

k. Create users and manage access to the Oracle Database and demonstrate this knowledge by coding applications.

l. Synthesize current information related to topics in this course using the APA format.

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PL-SQL Programming: part 1you are to write a 6 - 7page paper in the
Reference No:- TGS0500494

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