
part-1write a procedural email to employees


Write a procedural email to employees reminding them of key components of a company policy on acceptable use of email and text messaging. The policy should address security issues, privacy issues, and company monitoring of messages. Consider policies on appropriate message content, the consequences for using company equipment to send harassing messages, and a policy on the use of company system for sending personal email messages.

The message should take the "form" of an email; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell.

For the procedural message, you must:
Follow proper format.
• Use a descriptive title or heading.
• Use bullets as needed to emphasize key points.
• Include appropriate greeting and salutation.

Have the following content:
1. Introduce the main idea of the message in a concise, informative manner.
2. Itemize and explain three (3) to five (5) key points with details.
3. Provide information about where and to whom questions should be directed.
4. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

Part - 2 : Bad News Message - Draft Version

Write a bad newsletter to a customer who has requested an exemption to a company's policy. Possible requests that would be subjects of bad newsletters are:

• A request for a refund or replacement of a $1,000 piece of equipment that broke after three (3) years, one (1) year past the warranty date.
• A request for a refund or voucher for a ruined two-week vacation (due to bad weather: rain or snow) at an expensive resort.
• A request to change a company's "no-pets indoors" policy to a "pet-friendly" policy to allow customers to bring pets inside the restaurant and allow them to sit at tables with their owners.
• A request to change a company's "pet-friendly" policy to a "no-pet" policy to prohibit customers from bringing their pets into the restaurant's eating areas - inside or outside.
• Other: Write a bad news message based on another scenario.

The message should take the "form" of a letter; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell.

1. Format the letter properly:

• Include "to" and "from" addresses and the date.
• Include appropriate greeting and salutation.
• Use bullets as needed to emphasize key points.

2. Show appreciation and concern for the customer from the beginning (possibly with a brief buffer) and throughout the letter. Avoid being overly apologetic or complimentary.

3. Provide the turndown or bad news early in the letter.

4. Make the turndown clear and support it by providing two (2) to three (3) key reasons for the turndown.

5. Provide an alternative and / or a positive expectation of a future with the customer.

Referencing style : APA Format


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English: part-1write a procedural email to employees
Reference No:- TGS0484534

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