
part-1weekly discussion thread assignments


Weekly Discussion Thread Assignments require that you select and respond to one of the learning outcomes (listed in your syllabus for the week assgined) in one post, and also respond to two other student postings

The following weekly learning outcomes will be addressed:

To recognize that many governments in developing countries either were or are military regimes.

To recognize that soldiers in developing countries often ignore any dividing line between military and political activity.

To understand the causes of military intervention into civil society and government in developing countries.

To examine the conduct and policies of military regimes.

To be able to identify and discuss the "personalistic" military regime and the various types of institutional military regimes.

To understand the varied legacies of military regimes.

To identify the diverse causes for military regimes to withdraw from governance.

To discuss policies that lead to improved civil-military relationships


Weekly Discussion Thread Assignments require that you select and respond to one of the learning outcomes (listed in your syllabus for the week assgined) in one post, and also respond to two other student postings

NOTE: choose TWO of the following and discuss it.

The following weekly learning outcomes will be addressed:

To understand the diverse, dynamic interaction between political and economic institutions in developing countries.

To understand alternative roles of the state in developing policies stimulate economic and industrial development

To learn key concepts and terms related to political economy, such as "command economy", statism, ISI programs, EOI programs, and the "developmental state", and the "neoclassical" approach to development

To become familiar with regional trends and developments that illustrate some of these concepts.

To understand the key environmental issues as they relate to Third World development, including possible consequences of global warming.

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Business Management: part-1weekly discussion thread assignments
Reference No:- TGS0484748

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