
part 11 client assessment in the

Part 1
1)    Client Assessment.  In the clinical setting you will: Perform an holistic, nursing focused client assessment and document your findings.You are required to use:
a)    "Dimensions for gathering data for a health history"   "Head -to-toe physical assessment "(Jarvis C, Pocket companion for physical examination & health assessment, 2004), and Mosby nursing skills and Consult.
Part 2
2)    Write a brief profile to introduce your client.
a)    To protect client confidentiality, you must use a pseudonym that does not identify your client or your clinical area.
b)    Clearly identify and prioritise a minimum of (5) actual or potential nursing problems (state which) from your client assessment.  One from each dimension of your client's health history. i.e. Physical and developmental, Emotional, Intellectual, Social and Spiritual  (Crisp & Taylor, 2009)
Part 3
3)    Formulate a nursing care plan:
a)    For each problem:

  1. Develop a SMART goal (specific, measurable,achievable, relevance,timely)
  2. List and briefly describe (4) of your patient specific nursing interventions.
  3. Include a rationale  for each intervention using scholarly citations to support your evidence based practice
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness/non effectiveness of your interventions
  5. Critically reflect on why you think your interventions were effective /non effective and discuss alternative strategies.
  6. Explain the relevance of the nursing process using (1) of your problems


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Science: part 11 client assessment in the
Reference No:- TGS0207970

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