Part 1: Implement a superclass BankAccount that has the following fields and methods.
- String firstName
- String lastName
- Int accountID
- double balance
- Constructor(): initialize balance to zero
- deposit() - will accept a single value double parameter; the parameter value is added to the existing balance
- withdrawal() - accepts a single value double dollar amount; the parameter value is subtracted from the existing balance
- Setters and getters for firstName, lastName, and accountID
- getBalance() getter to return the balance
- accountSummary() - prints all account information
Part 2: Implement a CheckingAccount class that inherits from the BankAccount class.
- Has an interest rate attribute
- Allows overdraft withdrawals and charges a $30 free
- processWithdrawal() - will display a negative balance that includes $30 overdraft fee and denotes that a fee has been accessed
- displayAccount() - should display all superclass attributes and provide additional interest rate
Ensure that your program has the two required classes and a test class. Submit screenshots of your program's execution and output. Include all appropriate source code in a zip file.