Part 1: Create a numbered list of dashboard design best practices from the readings and video lecture listed in Part 1 below.
Part 2: Use the best practice recommendations you documented in Part 1 to critique a sample dashboard design.
Complete this assignment in a single Word doc, using headings Part 1 and Part 2 to separate the two parts of your work. Submit your assignment on Blackboard by attaching your document on the assignment submission page for this assignment. The grading rubric for this assignment is included at the end of this document.
Part 1 For this part of the assignment, as you review the resources listed below, create a numbered list of 9 or more dashboard design best practices - documenting the best practices in your own words. After completing your review, order your list by importance - most important (1) to least important (9). It is fine to list more than 9 best practices.