
Paris timezone and the format should be a access database

Need a nice reception form to be created with three nice buttons eventually sending you to three different forms through buttons? The first button would be "Give a lesson" the second "Take a lesson", the third "Admin".

I need that for admin I have a security protocol where only I or someone in the database has access to. Within this button I need a form that takes me to another form taking me to all the receipts and all the statistics of the base on: % of type of lessons in the base (danse, fitness, other,), % of places registered by type of lessons, % of places that we have free by name of lesson and some basic statistics on revenue (obtained from the number of reseved places) by week. Finally, I would need to this part this form to indicate to me if I have had any lesson proposed on the "Give a lesson" form (which I am taken from the other button).

The "Give a lesson" button takes you to a for that requires you to register as a member. Once this is done, the person os asked to add all the information on t he lesson he or she want to give. Once this is done, the person is supposed to receive a confirmation e-mail and I, as admin, should receive a poke (which I can see at the admin form) to confirm the adding of the lesson. I need this part to be very nice with a nice background and with picture of people doing martial arts or sports (fitness).

Finally, the third form needed is the one called "Take a lesson". Once we click that button, it has to take us to a form where we have 3 or 4 lists (see file attached form: accueil1) with big headings and pictures around it. These 4 lists are queries, when we click a button of the list, it takes us to a form where we are supposed to get the following fields: name of the lesson, level (niveau), day of the week, time the lesson starts, time the lesson ends,; from these fields (which we can fix as we like or even leave blanc), we need to get a list of the lesson that match that criterium. From the obtained list the person has to click on the lesson and that will take them to another form: their order (with all the information on the lesson) where they have to either register as a client into the database, or just log-in.  They put the exact date they want to take the lesson (at a lapse of a month) and the number of places they would like to take for the lesson (They may cancel the reservation within one week). We have then, to update the number of available places for the level chosen and not allow people to take more place than there are available. Finally,  I need this process to generate a receipt that will be sent to the user and that he can access from a button somewhere in  the reception form. I have to be able to access it from the admin form.

Also, I have to be able to go one step back and back to the reception form from all of the forms.

Is this possible and clear, if so how much will it cost (with possible updates)?


https://www39.zippyshare.com/v/obVLjGI8/file.html or if it doesn't work try


PAris timezone and the format should be a access database like the one I have sent you. I need the writer to explain part of the VBA program. Tell me if you can do it.

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Database Management System: Paris timezone and the format should be a access database
Reference No:- TGS02229169

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