
Parenthetical documentation that is correct in content and

Persuasive Paper Outline & References: This week you will complete the outline and References page that you will use for the persuasive paper you will draft in week five. Read the assignment directions for the week five draft here. The References page is a part of the outline/paper; however, make sure that it is on a page by itself. Your outline should also include parenthetical documentation. If you need review on APA content and format, look at the bottom of the Syllabus for APA links.

Successful assignments will:

Follow the format and content described in the text, the lecture, and this week's interactive;

Provide detailed information, placed in the correct hierarchical position; contain a clear thesis, appropriate to this paper's topic;

Include parenthetical documentation that is correct in content and format;

Include an outline that is one full page (250 words) in length, plus a separate page for the References list;

Include a References page that correctly utilizes APA format, including at least three credible sources; be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

I wanted to use the topic of the benefits of exercising.

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Dissertation: Parenthetical documentation that is correct in content and
Reference No:- TGS02532195

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