Paraphrasing and Summarizing
Paraphrase the passage. For good practice, please include the proper APA citation in your response.
Tip: You do not have to summarize every statement from the original passage; just summarize the key points.
Question 1:
Regardless of the nature of the hazard, disasters will continue to challenge court managers for many years to come. Court managers must consider a range of complex issues, from the physical design of courthouses (Daniels, 2002; Griebel & Phillips, 2001) to the physical safety of its employees and to the structure of data and communications systems and their ability to function in a disaster, to policies that balance public access with security needs. Planning and training needs will become more urgent and more specialized.
While the probability of any event hurting anyone courthouse at one particular time is small, it is important to consider such hazards as what have come to be known as low-probability, high-consequence events, the effects of which are so grave that planning for even unlikely events is necessary. The specific type of event is less important for planning purposes than the possibility that some sort of damaging event might happen. The probability of risk of such an event is something that generally cannot be changed, but the risks posed by such events are susceptible to change through careful management and decision making.
Birkland, T. A., & Schneider, C. A.(2007). Emergency management in the courts: Trends after September 11 and Hurricane Katrina. Justice System Journal, 28(1), 23.
Question 2 :( Paraphrase these twoparagraphs (using MSWord) in at least five sentences in length and include a topic sentence and a closing sentence. Please remember to use proper citation, APA).
Every talent is relevant to a given situation or role. While a musical talent will be most appropriate to an orchestra, it may not be suitable for an IT function. An artistic talent may be most useful in architecture or sculpture but completely irrelevant to an accounting function. Every role has a corresponding talent. The incumbent of a role who has the pertinent talent makes a great employee or leader while those who do not have it make, at best, average leaders. Nurses who have empathy make better nurses than those who do not possess that talent.
No individual can be a great soldier or firefighter without the talent of courage. Talent is therefore of no value if it is not matched with an appropriate role. The challenge which executives face in selecting candidates for positions or preparing their successors for future leadership roles is to determine the talents that are appropriate to the roles.
Elegbe, Joel Alemibola. Talent Management in the Developing World. Farnham, Surrey, GBR: Ashgate Publishing Group, 2010. p 5.