
Paraphrases from other sources must be completely in your

Instructions: Please respond to 5 of the following 6 questions listed below. If you answer all 6 questions only your first 5 responses will be graded. Each question is worth 11 points. Be sure to fully answer all parts of the question. Please be aware of the following requirements for your responses:

1. Quotations should not be used in any response - each response must be completely in your own words. Every quote will result in a 50% grade penalty.

2. All responses must be in full sentences. Any responses that are not in complete sentences will result in a 50% grade penalty.

3. Paraphrases from other sources must be completely in your own words -any portion of your response that is copied from the text or any other source will result in a 100% grade penalty for that question.

This exam is untimed and you can work on it for as long as you'd like while it is available, although this assessment should be able to be completed in about 2 hours. You can use your textbook, notes, or information posted on our Blackboard site while responding to the questions. You may not use the internet beyond Blackboard. You may not discuss these questions with anyone else, regardless of whether they are enrolled in this class or not.

This exam is due by 11:59 pm on Wednesday June 24th. Your response must be typed and submitted through theSafeAssign "Exam 1 - Short AnswerDrop Box" on Blackboard. Late submissions will lose 1% of their grade for each hour late until Friday June 26th at 11:59 pm.All work submitted between Saturday 6/27 and Wednesday 7/1 will lose 50% of the total possible points. No credit will be awarded for work that is submitted more than 1 week late.

1. There are at five ways of acquiring knowledge described in your text.
a. Provide a brief definition of each way of acquiring knowledge in your own words

b. Give a specific example of how you would use each way of acquiring knowledge to draw conclusions about howplaying video games might impact aggressive behaviors.

2. Researchers used informed consent and debriefing sessions to educate participants about the studies they volunteer to complete. What are the goals and components of each? Be sure to include the following information in your response:

a. What is the purpose of informed consent? What ethical principles would be violated if you did not use informed consent?

b. What are the major elements of informed consent?

c. What is the purpose of debriefing sessions? What ethical principles would be violated if you did not use a debriefing session when it was necessary?

d. When are debriefing sessions required? Give an example of a research design where a debriefing session would be required. Be sure to explain why the debriefing session is necessary for this study design.

3. The bystander effect is a topic of interest to social psychologists. Research on the bystander effect has shown that people are less likely to help someone in need if others are present. If you were interested in designing a study to explore the bystander effect would it be better to conduct this study in a laboratory or in the field? Consider the benefits and drawbacks of both settings. Be sure to include the following information in your response:

a. Explain the difference between a laboratory setting and a field setting in your own words.

b. Identify and explain at least one advantage and one disadvantage to using a laboratory setting

c. Identify and explain at least one advantage and one disadvantage to using a field setting

d. For this specific research topic, would you prefer to use a laboratory setting or a field setting? Be sure to explain your preference in relation to the specific research topic.
e. Briefly describe the study design you would use to explore this research topic in your preferred setting.

4. The Sensation Seeking Scale assesses the degree of interest in adventure, risk taking, and susceptibility to boredom. How might you use construct validity to establish support for the validity of this scale? Be sure to include the following information in your response:
a. Provide a definition of construct validity in your own words.

b. Provide two examples of how you could use construct validity to validate this scale. Be sure to explain how each example reflects construct validity.

5. Consider the difference between naturalistic and structured observation. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? When is each method preferred? Be sure to include the following information in your response:

a. Define naturalistic and structured observations in your own words.

b. Provide one benefit and one drawback for naturalistic observation. Be sure to explain each!

c. Provide one benefit and one drawback for structured observation. Be sure to explain each!

d. Give an example of a topic that might be studied with each method and explain why this would be a good method to use for the selected topic.

6. Although students often think that writing survey items should be easy, it can be very difficult to write good items in practice. What are the major problems that can occur in trying to write questions for surveys or questionnaires? Be sure to include the following information in your response:
a. Identify four specific problems to avoid when writing survey questions. For each, be sure to explain why it should be avoided.
b. Give an example of each problem by creating a unique survey item that reflects that issue. Explain how the item demonstrates the problem.
c. Provide at least two general suggestions for how to write good survey items.

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Other Subject: Paraphrases from other sources must be completely in your
Reference No:- TGS01051382

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