
Paraphrase the content from the paragraph you selected you

Assignment 1: Paraphrasing

Careful paraphrasing is generally thought to be a way to avoid unintentional plagiarizing of another's work. It must also convey the key points one wants to share from the original source to the audience you are writing for.

To best prepare for this assignment, complete this week's required readings. You may also want to review the APA Publication Manual and/or resources listed in this module's lecture area, view tutorials at the apastyle Web site, and do some independent research on paraphrasing guidelines.

Select Paragraph

For this part of the assignment, select one paragraph from the body of one of the articles you have chosen to include in your literature search.

Paraphrase Paragraph

Paraphrase the content from the paragraph you selected. You may want to later include it in the body of your literature review. Include appropriate citations, as necessary.

Post Paraphrased Paragraph

Post the original paragraph (in quotation marks) and your paraphrasing of the paragraph to theDiscussion Area by the due date assigned.

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Dissertation: Paraphrase the content from the paragraph you selected you
Reference No:- TGS02823919

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