
Parametric representation of lines and curves

Q1. Illustrate the meaning of parametric representation of the lines and curves?

Q2. Write a detail note on the half-toning.

Q3. Illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm over the Cyrus-Beck line clipping algorithm.

Q4. What do you mean by isometric projections? Explain how is concept of vanishing point linked to these projections?

Q5. Describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of the Z-buffer algorithm over scan line Z-buffer algorithm.

Q6. Illustrate the effect of changing one of the control points in the definition of the B-spline curve? Write down some reasons for your claim.

Q7. Illustrate the terms:

a) Morphing
b) Key frame animation

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Computer Graphics: Parametric representation of lines and curves
Reference No:- TGS011990

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