Paper assignment, you are going to write a five- to seven-page research paper on a staffing organizations "hot topic." The topic is : Job Analysis and Rewards. Below are 7 suggested topics for this project.
- The significance legal and ethical issues of organizational staffing
- Ins and outs of the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
- Expand on the significance of Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other (KSAO) human qualities in job design
- Describe the various job-related interviews and assessments and how they can be used as selection tools in organizational staffing
- Expand on typical steps in the development of hiring and selection planning for organizational staffing
- Descriptions of the most effective recruiting strategies
- Explain the cost of turnover and value of retention in organizations.
The length of the research paper is five to seven pages
All papers will be typed, spell-checked, grammar-checked, and double-spaced.
All papers are prepared with references in proper academic format, using the American Psychological Association (APA) style.