Assignment 1:
Anticipating readers' objections is one way to determine what other sections to include and support in your paper(My paper topic is : College Student and Underage Drinking) Practice writing a rebuttal or a refutation by taking your thesis and considering the point of view of someone who believes differently or even the opposite of the argument you are making. To do this, review Chapter 10, pp. 449-452 and post a paragraph that summarizes an oppositional point of view to your thesis and then refutes it (about 200 words discussion )
Assignment 2: As peers, reply to one another explaining whether or not your classmates are presenting the opposition objectively and whether the refutation is logical. Give one another ideas or suggestions for points that may be left out or might need to be further developed(reply to two students, about 150 each reply)
Please see attachment for p 449-452 and two students'posts
Attachment:- Rebuttals and Refutations 2 response.rar
Attachment:- P 449-452.rar