
Paper organizational climate and culture report critical

Paper: "Organizational Climate and Culture Report"

Critical analysis of cultural identifiers and communication perspectives.


1. Give your paper a title

2. Write an introduction

3. Analyze organizational Culture: for each of the following subsections (a, b & c) provide original thought and put your analysis into your own words - don't simply restate what the textbook says. Offer your individual perspective on the content you are discussing. For example: do you agree or disagree with the theory? Have you seen examples of this 'theory' occurring within your working environment? What were the outcomes? (etc.)

Use 'I' language and back-up your analysis with supporting material; however, limit the number of times you cite (or directly quote) from your sources.

  • Cite 3 times from your textbook (Chapters 6, 7, and 8)
  • Cite once from (1) additional source (dictionary.com and Wikipedia do not count)
  • 4 sources in this section

A. (Chapter 6) Discuss the different approaches - choose 3:

1. language and worldview

2. knowledge structures

3. consensual and contested meanings

4. multiple cultures perspectives

5. metaphors

6. narratives

7. rites and ceremonies

8. reflexive comments


9. fantasy themes 

B. (Chapter 7) Offer an analysis of Information Technology - choose 1: Traditional perspective, Interpretive perspective, OR Critical perspective.

C. (Chapter 8) Offer an analysis of Cultural control, Diversity, and Change - choose 1: Traditional perspective, Interpretive perspective, OR Critical perspective

4. Conduct an interview of one person in an organization of your choice. You may use your own workplace or one you know.

  • Offer a brief description of the organization
  • Provide reasons for choosing this organization for study

5. Interview

Use the following open ended statements as a starting point:

  • Communication from leaders to employees can be described as
  • Employees are expected to give first priority to
  • Employees who are favored in the organization are those who
  • The organization treats employees as
  • The process of decision-making in the organization can be described as
  • The mottos, values, heroes, and rituals of the organization include

6. Critical analysis of the culture

  • Post Interview: Based on the answers provided by your interviewee, use your gathered data to compile a critical analysis of the existing culture. Identify communication styles, the mood and tone of the environment, attitudes and perceptions, issues of control and diversity, and technological influences

7. Recommendations

  • Please make 2-3 recommendations to either change, improve and/OR reinforce the existing culture.

8. Concluding paragraph

  • Write summary/concluding remarks

9. References

  • Follow APA format and include:

Class Text

One Additional Source

(1) Interviewee

Cite interviewee as follows: Last name, first initial of first name, personal communication, date the interview took place

Text Book - Organizational Communication Perspectives and Trends by Michael J. Papa, Tom d. Daniels and Barry K. Spicer.

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Business Management: Paper organizational climate and culture report critical
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