
Paper on tcs company

Write a paper in around 7 pages to be on TCS company by reviewing the following sources:

1) Change Does Not Happen in a Silo: Getting Your Organization Design Right

2) Building Resilient Organizations through Cultural Transformation by Shivam Sopori

3) perspectives - TCS consulting journal vol3 2010

The purpose of this assignment is three-fold:

1. To examine the organizational culture, structure, and design of an organization

2. To interview a manager regarding their company's culture, structure, and design.

3. To communicate your findings in a paper

Basically, you will:

• Work with 1 or 2 other classmates of your choice on the project (i.e., teams of 2 or 3).

• Select a local business firm or not-for-profit agency to study (no student clubs). If possible, you are encouraged to use the company that you work at. The organization selected should have 20 or more employees to enable the successful completion of the project. If you select a very large organization (e.g., 500+ employees), then you may want to focus on one division of the company for the project (e.g., for organizational chart, structure, etc).

• Interview a manager in the company. Note that if you choose to use your current employer, then (if possible) you should interview someone at a higher level in the organization than yourself. You may also want to discuss some of the following suggested interview questions with any other employees in the organization to get multiple perspectives (although this is not required). Please make sure that this is ok with the manager before you do this. If it is an organization where you are currently employed, you can give your input as well.

• Write a 4-7 page (single-spaced) paper.

You will be evaluated on the following criteria:

1. Paper

• Your paper should include the material from the 'suggested interview questions' and `paper details' sections addressed on pages 3 and 4 below.

• Accurate assessment of organizational culture, structure, design, etc.

• Quality of analyses and recommendations made to company

• Well-written and integrated paper

2. You will complete a Peer Evaluation

In most cases, each team member will work diligently on the assignments, and the peer evaluation will indicate that both of you should receive full credit for the project. However, in those cases when a student chooses not to contribute their fair share, and they receive a low evaluation, then it is possible to receive only a percentage of the project points. The peer evaluations scores will be determined in the following way.

Each of you will rate the contribution of your teammate and yourself by assigning a percentage score (0 to 100) to each person. Each person should contribute their fair share, or 100%. If you are satisfied with the effort and involvement of your classmate and the role that s/he played for the project and believe that you both deserve full credit, then you would assign a score of 100% to each teammate.

Scores of less than 100% should be assigned at your discretion depending upon your evaluation of your team member's less-than-equitable contributions. If someone receives scores of less than 100%, I'll look closely at the comments on the evaluations. If I determine that someone did not contribute appropriately, I will create a multiplier that I'll use to assign a grade to the team member that did not contribute their fair share. So, for example, if a team earns a score of 100/125 for the project, but a particular team member only contributed 80% to the project, I'll assign that person a score on the project of 80/125 (100 x .80).

To avoid any problems, you should have an explicit discussion about what is expected from each of you in order to be regarded as a "100%" contributor to the team effort. No one should be caught off guard or surprised by being downgraded by their team member. From time to time something may occur that prohibits you from completing a part of the team assignment. If that happens, communicate with your team. Let them know. Most teammates understand if you have legitimate reasons for not getting something done. In addition, if you think your teammate is not pulling their share of the load, the best thing to do is to talk with them. If that does not work, talk with me and we'll try to rectify the situation. The worst thing to do is nothing, as the situation usually only gets worse. In short, no one enjoys free riders and I hope that this will motivate good communication and for everyone to do their share.

General information:

• Please describe the organization and its basic characteristics, including history, size, age, etc.

• Please explain the organization's mission (with mission statement if available)

• Could you please show us a copy of your organization chart (if you don't have one, could you draw us an informal one)?

• Could you please briefly describe what each unit or department of the organization does? Culture:

Please rate the following 7 dimensions or characteristics of organizational culture on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not very important in this organization, 3 somewhat important, and 5 being very important to the organization.

1. Innovation and risk taking. The degree to which employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risks.

2. Attention to detail. The degree to which employees are expected to exhibit precision, analysis, and attention to detail.

3. Outcome orientation. The degree to which management focuses on results or outcomes rather than on the techniques and processes used to achieve those outcomes.

4. People orientation. The degree to which management decisions take into consideration the effect of outcomes on people within the organization.

5. Team orientation. The degree to which work activities are organized around teams rather than individuals.

6. Aggressiveness. The degree to which people are aggressive and competitive rather than easy going.

7. Stability. The degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth.

8. Are there any other important elements of this organizations culture that might not be captured by the above 7 dimensions?

For those characteristics above that you rated most highly, can you think of ways that these cultural dimensions are transmitted to or learned by employees? For example, are there any orientation (or socialization) processes, stories, rituals, or symbols that illustrate these dimensions?

A strong culture is characterized by the organization's core values being both intensely held and widely shared, whereas a weak culture is characterized by vagueness, ambiguity, and/or inconsistencies. Would you characterize the culture at this organization as being more of a strong or weak culture? Please explain?

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