
Paper contains a roadmap for the reader there is a logical


Thesis is clear, easy to find, and appropriate to the assignment. Thesis is supported by the rest of the paper. Paper contains a "roadmap" for the reader. There is a logical flow to the topics/arguments. Conclusion follows clearly from the arguments presented.


The evidence comes from a wide variety of valid sources. The bibliography is complete and reflects appropriate sources. The evidence used reflects multiple views.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection

Provides explanation of work completed, along with how internship experiences will help when entering into their chosen career.

Grammar and Punctuation

Assignment has little to no issues with grammar and punctuation

Interest Factor

Language and style appropriate for intended audience. Paper presents well-developed analysis and synthesis. There is nuance, inference and subtlety to the paper. Main points are memorable. Reader is very engaged.

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Dissertation: Paper contains a roadmap for the reader there is a logical
Reference No:- TGS02943705

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