
Paper comparing approaches to foreign policy and wartime

Paper comparing approaches to foreign policy and wartime motivation between The History of the Peloponnesian War and the Iliad

Full prompt: We have read texts from cultures that are in many ways unlike our own.As scholarlyreaders we need to be aware of our own assumptions and biases (which are not necessarilynegative) when we read these works. We should also strive to understand theworldviewspresented in the ancient textson their own termsand try to discern between what the textpresentsand what it maysupport(because theseare not necessarily the same). Use twotexts we have read-only one of which may be a text you have previously written on-todiscuss a particular moral or philosophical issue/view; this might be something veryspecific (e.g., the dangers of wealth) or it might be a larger ‘worldview' (e.g., the rights ofcountries/peoples to purse their own interest).Describe the stance(s) the works seem totake regarding this issue and reflect on how the works succeed or fail to draw your ownsympathy/support for that issue.Identify how your own assumptions relate to the stancesof the works, and reflect on what you may have learned from these texts. Have these textshelped you to empathize? Why or why not?If one of your texts is a work you have writtenabout previously, you must discuss different aspects of that text for Paper 4.

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English: Paper comparing approaches to foreign policy and wartime
Reference No:- TGS0902304

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