
package(''python'', ''2.6.5'').
package(''python'', ''2.5.4'').
package(''python'', ''1.5.2'').
package(''python'', ''3.1.0'').
and I already have these functions that provide me:

?- split_version(''2.13.17'', List).
List = [''2'', ''13'', ''17''].

integer_list([''2'', ''13'', ''17''], IntList).
IntList = [2, 13, 17].

?- cmp_list([2,3,4], [2,3,5], C).
C = lt ;
C = le .
I have to write a code to satisfy this function:

satisfies_req(''python'', ''3'', le, V).
V = ''2.6.5'' ;
V = ''2.5.4'' ;
V = ''1.5.2'' .

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