
Owners bidding pre-qualification process

Owner’s Bidding Pre-Qualification Process

Project instructions:

Assume you are an owner preparing to go to bid on 60,000 sf renovation of an existing medical laboratory building that you currently lease. You anticipate the project will take at least a year, and cost in the $10-$15m range.

Your intention is to send out a Request for Qualifications to prospective construction company bidders. Describe the process you would go through to seek pre-qualified bidders. Describe what you would send out, in what form, to how many, how long you would give bidders to respond, how long you would take to evaluate the response, and what would you in turn do with the information you received. Make sure you describe some of the criteria you are looking for in your attempt to determine if they are indeed qualified. You have hired an architect to design the project; you should assume the scope of the project is at the 30% Schematic Design stage. Your architect estimates they have 4 more weeks to complete the design in order to come up with a 100% bid set.

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Reference No:- TGS01437745

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