1. Ovett acquires the following during the year ended 30 June 20x6:
1) The separable net assets of Elliott, a sole trader
2) 100% of the share capital of Moorcroft, a limited company
Purchased goodwill may arise in the individual accounts of Ovett in respect of:
a) Elliott and Moorcroft;
b) Elliott only
c) Moorcroft only
d) Neither Elliott nor Moorcroft?
2. During the year ended 20x4 Garden made the following acquisitions:
1) The entire share capital of Flower. Limited company;
2) The separable net assets of Hedge, sole trader
Purchased goodwill may arise in the individual accounts of Garden in respect of:
a) Hedge only;
b) Hedge and Flower
c) Flower only
d) Neither Flower nor Hedge