Overview of the models of presidency of roosevelt


Students will be expected to write a 15 page term paper due at the end of week seven. Students will choose a case of real world ethical quandary in business or political administration, subject to by approval. The paper will include research about the case (What happened? Why does this case matter?) and the student's account what mistakes were made, how ethics should have led to a different course of action and what we should learn from the case as a whole.

Below is the outline for the paper:

Title: Approaching the Presidency Roosevelt and Taft

Thesis: Approaching the presidency describes the Roosevelt and Taft models of presidency and the differences they had on the ethical issues on the responsibilities of a president

I. Introduction

A. Give an overview of the models of presidency of Roosevelt and Taft.

B. Thesis: Approaching the Presidency described the different views of issues concerning the presidency of Roosevelt and Taft and also some differences that arise in the models of presidency.

II. Describe Roosevelt model of presidency

A. Explain the Roosevelt views on the responsibilities of a president.

B. Explain the negotiation line of Roosevelt in line of law and ethics

III. Describe Taft model of presidency

A. Stipulate Taft's views on the responsibilities of a president.

B. Explain the negotiation line of Taft in the line of law and ethics.

IV. Describe the actions of Roosevelt and Taft on the case of the U.S steel

V. Stipulate the differences between the models of presidency

A. Views of Roosevelt and Taft on the responsibilities of a president.

B. Negotiation in the line between law and ethics

C. Actions in the case of the U.S steel

VI. Describe a leader whose model of presidency is similar to that of Roosevelt and Taft and the effects of this model to the political actions of the leader

VII. Conclusion

A. Thesis

B. Summarize Roosevelt and Taft model of presidency

C. Summarize the differences in the two models of presidency

Below is the introduction to the 15 page paper:

The presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt began on March 4, 1993 (when he was assumed presidency as the 32nd President of the United States) and ended on April 12, 1945 (upon his death). Roosevelt assumed the presidency during the Great Depression. He introduced New Deal program for relief (government jobs for the unemployed), recovery (economic growth) and reform (regulation of transportation, bank and Wall Street). It involved expansion of the role of federal government in the economy. His leadership created many programs to support farmers and the unemployed, regulate business and high finance, and encourage growth of labor union (Abbott, 1990).

Roosevelt's presidency brought dramatic change in the American society. The leadership rescued them from Great Depression and greatest global conflict. Roosevelt pursued social justice and challenged American capitalism. He conquered fear that was brought by falls of Great Depression which included collapse of banks and lack of confidence in business. Roosevelt revolutionized the art of political campaign and created national majority that absorbed those who were excluded in the political process. He sought economic recovery with the National Recovery Administration. Regulatory reforms presided over the end of prohibition and instituted reforms in labor, communication and finance. The New Deal ensured that major legislations and programs were implemented. The leadership participated actively in the economic life of the country (Burke, 2000).

The presidency of William Howard Taft began on March 4, 1909 t and ended on March 4, 1913. President Roosevelt had set a great legacy for the American presidency. This created difficult for William Howard Taft to live up to the legacy. Roosevelt was his mentor and friend but he disappointed him by abandoning the Republican Party and forming Bull-Moose party. This created for an opportunity for Woodrow Wilson who was a Democrat to win presidential election of 1912. Taft's ambition was to become Chief Justice of the United States. After leaving the presidency, he was appointed as Chief Justice. Taft's presidency was more judicial administration than presidential. He was more comfortable executing the existing law than demanding new legislation from Congress (Herring, 2017).

Taft made an effort of leading Congress to low tariffs but the Congress was dominated by traditional interests of high tariff. He became more conservative and this made him to force chief of forestry to resign. He continued the goal of Roosevelt of expanding US foreign trade in Asia, Central America and South. His dream was becoming the chief justice. He was uncomfortable with politics since he had tendency of contemplating every side. Taft's presidency could be termed as failure based on his shift from trust busting program to reactionary conservatism. The only achievements he made were organization and conduct of the executive branch and development of anti-trust policy.

Based on the issues described about presidency of Roosevelt and Taft, Roosevelt was a successful politician who made various programs that rescued America from Great Depression and great wars. Taft was a more successful administrator than politician. He lacked presidential power and he was ambitious of serving in United States as Chief Justice. He served severally in political appointments until he became president and later got his ambitious position of Chief Justice. Taft was more conservative than Roosevelt.

Roosevelt believed that the president had duty to do everything the nation demanded so long as it was not forbidden by law. He believed that he served the people and not the government. Taft's leadership was based on strict constructionist model of presidency. Under this approach, President has no right to act unless granted by the Congress. Taft looked at the facts of the situation and acted based on evidence. On the other hand, Roosevelt acted based on what he felt was right (Mayer, 2002).


Abbott, P. (1990). The exemplary presidency: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the American political tradition. Univ of Massachusetts Press.

Burke, J. P. (2000). The institutional presidency: Organizing and managing the White House from FDR to Clinton. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Herring, P. (2017). Presidential Leadership: The Political Relations of Congress and the Chief Executive. Routledge.

Mayer, K. (2002). With the stroke of a pen: Executive orders and presidential power. Princeton University Press.

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