
Overview of the major components of the research paper

Hi, I need some help to provide a formal outline of an upcoming research paper. Along with the outline, I am required to provide at least 15 references for the research paper. The outline should provide an overview of the major components of the research paper. Below is an outline overview. A good outline will be anywhere from two to three pages in length.

The topic is: Retaining the best employees when the company is downsizing.

1. Introduce your research topic

2. Provide an overview of what your paper will discuss

Analysis of the Field

1. Discuss the research topic in detail

2. Present the OB theories being discussed

3. Identify how the organization(s) is using these theories

4. Provide a critical review of the literature pertaining to your topic

Future Directions

1. Discuss how your research topic can contribute to continuing the field of OB.

2. Discuss future research topics that should be investigated that can further your research.


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Other Management: Overview of the major components of the research paper
Reference No:- TGS01449055

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