
Overview of lifespan development and beginnings - describe

Study Guide for Life-Span Stages

This Study Guide provides an overview of each life-span stage.  The final examination will be based on this study guide.  The study guide is worth 100 points and is due through submission in the appropriate Blackboard link by the due date.  The guide covers the overview of the lifespan, the beginning and ending of life, and the life span stages from infancy/early childhood through late adulthood.

1. Overview of Lifespan Development and Beginnings -

a. Describe the eight characteristics of the life-span perspective.  (Ex. Lifelong, multidimensional, etc.)

b. Processes of Development

c. List the eight life-span stages(periods of development) and accompanying age ranges for these stages. (Ex. Prenatal, infancy, early childhood, etc.)

2. Beginning and Infancy -

a. Discuss pros and cons of adoption as presented by the text.

b. Explain Nature and Nurture and the interaction of these on development.

c. Describe Kangaroo Care.

d. Nutrition Needs of Infants

e. Affordances

f. Measures of Development for Infants

3. Early Childhood -

a. Discuss the types of Temperament with young children.

b. Discuss Bowl by's Attachment Theory

c. Discuss various formats for early childhood education (Head Start, Montessori, etc.)

d. Discuss the impact of Media and Screen Time with young children

e. Discuss parenting styles

f. Discuss types of Maltreatment

4. Middle and Late Childhood-

a. Describe some strategies for increase of creative thinking

b. Discuss Current considerations in  bilingualism and second language earning

c. Discuss Developmental differences pertaining to gender.

d. Discuss Moral developmental issues for this life-span stage.

e. Discuss Development of friendships and bullying issues

f. Discuss Health, Illness, and Disease

5. Adolescence -

a. Discuss Key aspects of puberty for males and for females.

b. Discuss Adolescent sexuality issues

c. Discuss Identity issues

d. Discuss Parent-adolescent conflict

e. Discuss Juvenile delinquency

f. Discuss Adolescent Egocentricism

6. Early Adulthood - Discuss each of the Following Concepts for those in their 20s and  30s:

a. Eating, weight, and exercise

b. Substance abuse

c. Finding a path to purpose

d. Diverse lifestyles

e. Comparison of women's development and men's development

f. Faces of Love

7. Middle Adulthood - Discuss each of the Following Concepts for those in their 40s and 50s:

a. Changing Midlife

b. Health, Disease, Stress and Control

c. Intelligence

d. Leisure

e. Intergenerational Relationships

f. Life Events Approach

8. Late Adulthood and Endings - Discuss each of the Following Concepts for those in their 60s and beyond:

a. Use It or Lose It

b. Adjustment to Retirement

c. Issues that face older adults in society

d. Name the five areas of strength that centenarians have

e. Describe two factors that indicate an older adult is aging successfully.

f. Name the five components of the death system in any culture.

9. Please express your knowledge of each of the following twelve Life Span Development Standards by writing at least a paragraph about each letter below. Please letter your answers a-l.  Your answers should show growth and development as compared to your answers from mid-semester.

a. Discuss your knowledge of the physical, emotional, and social development of young people and the relationship of these to learning readiness and to cognitive development.

b. Discuss your knowledge of the components and characteristics of collaboratively designed and implemented individual behavioral support plans.

c. Discuss your knowledge of factors and situations that promote or diminish intrinsic motivation.

d. Discuss your knowledge of the ways in which student learning is influenced by individual experiences and out-of-school learning, including language and family/community values and conditions.

e. Discuss your knowledge of cultural, ethnic, gender, linguistic, and socio-economic differences and how these may affect individual learner needs, preferences, and styles.

f. Discuss your knowledge of the characteristics of your own culture and use of language and of how they differ from other cultures.

g. Discuss your knowledge of research and theory related to learning styles and multiple intelligences.

h. Discuss your knowledge of how personal/cultural biases can affect teaching and learning.

i. Discuss your knowledge of research relating collective responsibility for student learning to increased achievement

j. Discuss your knowledge of the principles of individual and organizational change and a commitment to assume personal responsibility for leading and supporting others in results-oriented changes.

k. Discuss your knowledge of human development and behavior across the life span with special emphasis on pre-school and school-age populations.

l. Discuss your understanding of student diversity and how to utilize differentiated experiences to engage diverse learners.

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Dissertation: Overview of lifespan development and beginnings - describe
Reference No:- TGS01543722

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