Overview of intellectual property

Question 1: How many classes of IPRs are recognized in the TRIPS Agreement? In brief discuss each one of them.

Question 2: Discuss the rationale behind the concept of intellectual property. What are the underlying premises of the global IP regime?

Question 3: What do you mean by the term Domain Name? How do domain name disputes arise? What role does WIPO play in the resolution of domain name disputes?

Question 4: Describe the Appeal Mechanism available in India in relation to the IPRs.

Question 5: In what respects copyright distinct from other forms of IP, say patent, trademark and designs?

Question 6: How have the advances in new technologies influenced the evolution of concept and scope of patent?

Question 7: Describe computer software industry in relation to its impact on intellectual property.

Question 8: Describe the main challenge copyright industries, specifically Music, Audio-visual and Publishing, are facing from advances in technology. How are such challenges being met?

Question 9: What aim can trademarks serve at the micro-economic level? Discuss the role of trademark in Licensing and Franchising and in the Strategic Partnerships.

Question 10: Discuss the given terms:

a) Non-commercial role of trademarks;
b) Emerging issues associated to use of trademark.

Question 11: Why is valuation of intangible assets essential? How are intangible assets valued?

Question 12: Discuss different stages included in the processing of an application for acquisition of a patent for an invention. Describe the scope if any for bringing down the cost for acquiring a patent.

Question 13: What are the courses open to the owner of IP for infringement of IPRs? Describe Civil versus Criminal procedure.

Question 14: What is the mission of WIPO? How have WIPO actions expanded over the years? Discuss the present activities of the WIPO.

Question 15: Define the role and initiatives of the WIPO in enforcement of IPR and resolution of disputes.

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Business Law and Ethics: Overview of intellectual property
Reference No:- TGS02395

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