
Overview of child development prezi

Complete the project:

Curriculum Planning

You will assume the role of a childcare provider, clinician or educator. Select an age group between birth and eight years of age and create an overview of Child Development Prezi or Powerpoint presentation for the families of your students. In your presentation, you will address the following:

1. Explain the rationale of the presentation for families (one slide).

2. Identify your selected age group and summarize the developmental characteristics of this age group. Be sure to explain the major developmental stages, domains and milestones of this age group. (three- to five slides)

3. Give three examples of how your physical environment will support the developmental needs of your selected age group. (three- to five slides)

4. Explain your curriculum planning process including your theoretical approach, teaching strategies, and method of assessment. How do you ensure your curriculum is supporting the developmental needs of your students? (three- to five slides)

5. Explain how developmental delays could impact the learning needs of a student and how you would modify your physical environment and curriculum to accommodate a student with delays. Provide at least three examples of how you will make modifications. (three- to five slides)

You will use the web-based presentation tool Prezi, or Powerpoint to create a presentation for the families of your students. Your presentation should provide an overview of the developmental characteristics of this age group, an explanation of your physical environment, and your curriculum planning process. Feel free to use as much creativity as you like for this assignment. For more information on Prezi, watch this video introduction: What is Prezi? - The Official Intro Video.

Your Final Project:

1. Should be a minimum of thirteen slides, not including title and reference slides.

2. Should include photographs, illustrations, graphics, and/or video examples.

3. Should use at least three scholarly resources in addition to the textbook.

4. Should document all sources in APA style.

5. Should include a separate reference slide, formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

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Reference No:- TGS01859309

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