
Overloading of prefix and suffix decrement operators

Q1. By using the template classes write down a C++ program which creates a stack of different types?  Don’t use struct.

Q2. What do you mean by virtual function? Describe how virtual function is implemented in the C++ compiler?

Q3. Define the abstract class with the help of an illustration from real life?

Q4. Write down a class which implements complex number comprising of two data members real and imaginary both are of float type. As well overload insertion operator (<<) for this class?

Q5. Sketch the diagram for Input-output class hierarchy of C++?

Q6. When does an exception class need data members? Write down an illustration which throws an exception with argument?

Q7. Explain how does overloading of prefix and suffix decrement operators vary? Describe with help of an illustration?

Q8. Write detail notes on (Any two):

a) Nested classes
b) Template class
c) File handling
d) Multiple Inheritance      

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C/C++ Programming: Overloading of prefix and suffix decrement operators
Reference No:- TGS011932

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