
Overhaul the alltechcomm intranet


A volunteer organization 'AllTechComm' is largely a group of computer professionals who wanted to give back to the community in a variety of ways, both non-technical and technical. A portion of your organization is support, HR, or training-oriented, and has only basic technical knowledge. You are the newly appointed VP of Technology. You have been part of the organization for 2 years, 1 year as an employee. Your role is to oversee the technical department of the organization, plan for future growth in the department, and provide guidance to the technology-based projects executed by the volunteers. AllTechComm is 3 years old with an average of 100 active volunteers at any given time. There are 10 employees, 6 full-time (including you) and 4 part-time.

The organization has 3 regular projects and one pet project they plan and execute each year. The three regular projects are: 1) Literacy Aid for Underprivileged Children 2) Volunteering technical expertise to other charitable organizations who can not afford expensive technical support 3) Working with homeless/poor individuals to create a resume and to search job boards. The pet project for the coming year is nicknamed TechnoSeniors, where the volunteers teach seniors in minimum care nursing homes how to connect to the internet, send email to their family and play computer games such as solitaire. The goal of the project is to help elderly people stay connected to friends and family, and keep their minds sharp slowing the mental decline sometimes associated with old age.

Your mandate as VP of Technology is to keep the regular projects strong and growing, plan for TechnoSeniors, and overhaul the AllTechComm intranet. Your must make the intranet one in which volunteers can sign up and manage their schedules, profiles, keep in better contact with their Project Leaders, and actually accomplish work together.


In order to best carry out your role as VP of Technology for this stage, first categorize the tasks ahead of you, into short-term or long-term planning, and be sure to include both technical and managerial (overall project management) tasks. Discuss at least one tool or technique in each category and how it will help you, the VP, do your job.

Your department team will want to see your plans, and offer suggestions for improvement, or catch anything you may have missed.

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Other Management: Overhaul the alltechcomm intranet
Reference No:- TGS02006146

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