
Overall organizational strategy


Select a business organization from the Fortune 500 which is of interest to you and ensure that you will be able to obtain the necessary information about its strategy, business model, and performance (much of this information can be obtained from the organization's Web site, annual report, financial news, etc.). Write an overview of the organization you selected, including the following:

  • Name of the organization, locations, web address
  • Overall organizational strategy and business model
  • Products or services, industry, and market position
  • Sources of information about the organization (at least three)

Your reasons for selecting the organization:

Your answer to this assignment will serve as foundation for your Strategic Analysis  and your Organizational Assessment.

Write your answer in 2 to 3 pages in Word format. Cite your sources. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work.

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Business Management: Overall organizational strategy
Reference No:- TGS01809019

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