
Overall i felt that the article gave a lot of realistic

Provide meaningful response for this text: The Right Mate

Overall I felt that the article gave a lot of realistic examples of relationships and how they had ended. In any relationship, be it marriage or a professional relationship, good communication skills are a fundamental function of success.

The article gave reference to many different studies and articles. Many along the same lines. The realistic nature that a relationship takes time and effort is real. Another observation from the article is that or relationships evolve over time. The first five years of life may be happy and blissful. Then when the dynamics of the relationship change, we need to also change. Or I should say evolve to the next stage of our relationship. Perhaps children. Now, along with maintaining our own marriage relationship we have added parenting into the mix. We have to remember what the relationship was based on.... each other. We cannot allow the children to become our "main and primary priority." It is important to have a firm foundation with your mate, in that you are able to communicate and share real feelings in a positive manner. There needs to be respect for each other as well as a "team effort". In the article the husband provided for and did what he felt was "his share" of the family responsibility. I wonder how much input his wife had in that process. Rather than having a complete division of responsibilities, it needs to be a team effort. The feeling that you can depend on your mate, or teammate. You can pass off the responsibility, share and work together to do what is best for everyone involved. Perhaps it would have been more beneficial to have the husband home more and develop routines as a family. This may have allowed the wife some personal time to pursue a job or activity outside of the home and household responsibilities. In any relationship I feel communication is a major aspect. To be able to talk about and express your feelings is an acquired talent for many. Even if you need to seek professional assistance in the relationship, a councilor of sorts to help develop the skills needed to have a successful relationship.

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Dissertation: Overall i felt that the article gave a lot of realistic
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