
Outsource food-service operation to nifs

St. Joseph Hospital has been hit with a number of complaints about its food service from patients, employees, and cafeteria customers. These complaints, couple with a very tight local labor market, have prompted the organization to contact Nationwide Institutional Food service (NIFS) about the possibility of an outsourcing agreement.

The hospital's business office has provided the following information for food service for the year just ended: fodd costs, $890,000; labor, $85,000; variable overhead, $35,000; allocated fixed hospital overhead, $60,000; and cafeteria food sales, $80,000.

Conversations with NIFS personnel revealed the following information:

NIFS will charge St. Joseph Hospital $14 per day for each patient served. Note: This figure has been 'marked up' by NIFS to reflect the firm's cost of operating the hospital cafeteria.

St. Joseph's 250-bed facility operates throughout the year and typically has an average occupancy rate of 70%.

Labor is the primary driver for variable overhead. If an outsourcing agreement is reached, hospital labor costs will drop by 90%. NIFS plans to use St. Joseph facilities for meal preparation.

Cafeteria food sales are expected to increase by 15% because NIFS will offer an improved meal selection.


1. Should St. Joseph outsource its food-service operatin to NIFS?
2. If so, what is the dollar amount of the savings?
3. If not, what is the dollar amount of the extra cost?

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Accounting Basics: Outsource food-service operation to nifs
Reference No:- TGS074003

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