
Outside reading evaluation assignment book how why how we

Ten Principles and Lessons Learned

Outside Reading Evaluation Assignment Book: HOW Why HOW We D0 Anything Means Everything...in Business (and in Life), by Dov Seidman

Links for reading book.

1- https://books.google.com/books?id=yDLKtU4rgWwC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false

2- https://www.talentsquare.com/blog/how-why-how-we-do-anything-means-everything/

Assignment Specifics:

1. Learn by reading this valuable book how the power of HOW WE DO THINGS AS BUSINESS PERSONS can become an all-encompassing behavior for a company. The author explains this phenomenon.

2. Prepare one-paragraph summaries of the ten principles and lessons you learned from reading this valuable book.

3. Encompass within your ten principles and lessons the author's descriptions and explanations of (1) how we have been, how we have changed, (2) the journey to how, (3) how we think, (4) how we behave, (5) how we govern, (6) the new self-governing cultures and (7) the new leadership framework.

4. Make the final tenth principle and lesson an assessment of the value of the lessons of this book from the eight ethical perspectives that you have learned in this class.

5. Use the following structure: typed, cover page with the pertinent information about the assignment and yourself, your own title of your assignment and the ten numbered paragraphs that explain the ten principles and lessons you learned from reading this valuable book.

6. Start each paragraph by stating Principle and Lesson One: Do that for all ten of them. Prioritize them by putting your most important lesson first and moving on to lesson ten.

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Business Management: Outside reading evaluation assignment book how why how we
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