
Output the array and the address of each element find and

Lab 1

Define 6 functions for the following tasks (a through e) using pointer parameters. In the main function, Create an array of int that can store 20 numbers. Test your functions in the main.

Input 20 numbers to the array

Output the array and the address of each element.

Find the average of the array

Find and output the largest element and its index

Find and output the smallest element and its index.

Lab 2

Define an int function that takes 6 parameters. 2 of them, a and b, are of type int; 4 other parameters are pointers to int. The function returns a mod b (a%b); The 4 pointers point to the sum, the difference, the product, and the quotient of a and b, respectively. In the main function, enter 2 numbers and call your function to find the 5 results (sum, difference, product, quotient, and remainder). Note, you must bring the results to the main to print.

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Computer Engineering: Output the array and the address of each element find and
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