Outpatient clinic with complaints of not liking myself


Kristin is a 26-year-old client who presents to the outpatient clinic with complaints of "not liking myself." She states she frequently feels angry without provocation and cries often. She has lost 10 lbs. in the past month and states she has no appetite. Kristin reports nightly sleep difficulty, both falling and staying asleep. Her mind just can't seem to relax enough so she can sleep. She has tried melatonin and the Calm app mindfulness techniques; they help some nights but not always. She endorses having difficulty focusing for long periods, and she has missed several days of work within the past month due to her symptoms. No hallucinations or delusions are voiced. She states "The only thing that makes me feel better is shopping online. I love getting packages every day." She is not experiencing financial issues from online shopping, but she has depleted her savings account. She reports that when she is not sad, she loves crafting and sometimes has days where she can craft "all day and all night." The crafting can last for 3-4 days in a row. She denies thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Past Psychiatric History self-reported "panic attacks" including shortness of breath and nausea

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Reference No:- TGS03439386

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