
Outlines used for writing a draft should be extremely neat

True and False; Instructions: Place a 'T' in the blank space in front of the statement for all of the following statements that are true. Place 'F' in the blank space in front of the statements for all the statements that are false.

1. "Technical Communication" is a broader term than "Technical Writing".
2. The term "technical writing" refers only to writing done for and in engineering.
3. Outlines used for writing a draft should be extremely neat, with no stray marks on the page.
4. The major consideration in document design is clarity, from the perspective of the reader.
5. The longer the document, the greater likelihood that readers will read the executive summary and conclusion only.
6. The first step in the "speed-read" strategy of most readers is to perform a "focused search" of a document.
7. You should not give detailed conclusions and recommendations at the beginning of a document.
8. The abstract section always includes a clear purpose statement.
9. The abstract section is primarily for highly technical readers.
10. Paragraphs are the worst format for presenting technical data, especially numbers that describe costs.
11. Persuasion forms the basis for nearly all technical writing.
12. In technical writing, the comparison/contrast techniques especially applies to situations wherein readers are making buying decisions.
13. Instructions and process analysis both describe a series of steps leading toward a specific result.
14. Process analysis and instructions have the same format.
15. Process analysis are written from the "you" point of view (second person)
16. Lists are preferable to paragraph format in writing instructions.
17.  For instructions most readers prefer that you present uninterrupted long list of steps, rather than grouping steps together under task headings.
18. Instructions should include the "command" tone of the verb at the start of each step.
19. Use "cautions" in instructions when there is a possibility of injury to people.
20. Use "danger" in instructions when there is a possibility of damage to equipment or materials.

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Dissertation: Outlines used for writing a draft should be extremely neat
Reference No:- TGS02473791

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